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Visit of Pope Francis: two African countries will be visited from January 31 to February 5

Categories: General Information

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Two fragile African countries that are often forgotten in the world will be visited starting today by Pope Francis. In these countries, protracted conflicts have left millions of refugees and displaced persons hungry.

The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and South Sudan are countries where Catholics represent about half of the population and where the Church is a key player in health and health, education systems, as well as in efforts to strengthen democracy. Indeed, the pope's trip was due to take place last July but was postponed because Francis was suffering from a relapse of a chronic knee disease. The DRC is a country rich in minerals while South Sudan is rich in oil, but is plagued by poverty and conflict.

Francis had planned to visit the eastern city of Goma, but this stop was abandoned following the resurgence of fighting between the army and the M23 rebel group in the region where the Italian ambassador, his bodyguard, and his driver were killed in an ambush in 2021. He will remain in the capital, Kinshasa, but will meet victims of eastern violence there.

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