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Economy of sub-Saharan African countries: growth will slow to 3.2% in 2023 and increase to 3.9% in 2024

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The World Bank has predicted that economic growth in sub-Saharan African countries will slow to 3.2% in 2023 and increase to 3.9% in 2024.

Global growth has slowed sharply, according to the World Bank, which believes that the risk of financial tensions in emerging markets and developing economies (EMDEs) is intensifying in a context of interest rates. According to the World Bank's Global Economic Outlook report published Tuesday, which contains the information, “global growth is expected to slow from 3.1% in 2022 to 2.1% in 2023. In EMDEs other than China, growth is expected to slow to 2.9% this year from 4.1% last year


The report indicates that growth in the Middle East and North Africa is expected to slow to 2.2% in 2023 before rebounding to 3.3% in 2024. On the regional outlook, the report indicates that growth in East Asia and the Pacific is expected to increase to 5.5% in 2023, then slow to 4.6% in 2024. In Latin America and the Caribbean, growth is expected to slow to 1.5% in 2023 before rising to 2% in 2024. For South Asia, he noted that growth is expected to fall to 5.9% in 2023 and then to 5.1% in 2024. For Europe and Central Asia, it indicates that growth is expected to increase slightly to 1.4% in 2023 before increasing to 2.7% in 2024.

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