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First quarter 2023: Al Salam Bank Algeria collects $219 million in resources

Categories: Economy/Forex

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Al Salam Bank Algeria stood out with impressive statistics to say the least. It records 219 million dollars.

Nasser Hideur announced to Financial Afrik that “the current amount of funding currently amounts to 180 billion DA (1.31 billion USD)”. The bank's GNP amounts to “11 billion DA (80.53 million USD), an increase of 20% compared to 2021" as far as it is concerned. The total amount of resources collected is 250 billion DA (1.83 billion USD), including 30 billion DA (219 million USD) collected during the first quarter of 2023 alone. In addition, there is a credit portfolio marked by an increase of 27% with a peak of 51% in 2021. Al Salam Bank is one of the most digitalized banks in Algeria

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