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Justice in Guinea: legal proceedings against Mamadou Pethe Diallo

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Mamadou Pethe Diallo, now former Minister of Health and Public Hygiene, will face justice after his dismissal. He is prosecuted for alleged corruption, illicit enrichment, and conspiracy to harm the State


The Minister of Justice, Keeper of the Seals, on Wednesday, November 22, 2023, instructed the Attorney General of the Court of Appeal of Conakry, to initiate legal proceedings against his Dr. Mamadou Pethe Diallo. Indeed, according to Alphonse Charles Wright, the accused took advantage of his ministerial position to proceed with exemptions based on serious presumptions of corruption, embezzlement of public funds and illicit enrichment in connection with the implementation of the Agreement between the Guinean State and Société ZMC signed in 2015. The Keeper of the Seals thus indicates that the agreement shows that each payment of the invoices, the company ZMC was required to provide the Ministry of Health with accounting documents, namely a copy of the order form approved by the National Directorate of Pharmacy and Laboratory, an invoice certified by the Ministry of


Mais these documents were never attached to the exemption request and the purchase order was never validated for acts of corruption, bribery and illicit enrichment, not to mention the embezzlement of public funds. The same practices are repeated in the Donka Hospital concession, EIFAGE, where no contract has been submitted

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