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Stock market: index falls

Categories: Index/Markets

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The BRVM Composite and BRVM 30 indices of the Regional Securities Exchange (BRVM) recorded a sharp drop of more than 1% each at the end of the trading session on Monday, November 27, last year.

Index 30 (index BRVM ) of the 30 most traded stocks on the market), recorded a sharp drop of 1.13% to 104.75 points against 105.95 points previously, while the C index (the general stock exchange index) fell by 1.07% to 208.26 points against 210.52 points on Friday, November 24, 2023


For its part, the index BRVM Prestige (an index that includes all the values listed in the Prestige compartment) fell by 0.61% to 98.47 points compared to 99.07 points the day before. In reality, the fall in the Composite Index had a negative impact on the capitalization of the stock market, which stood at 7732.551 billion against 7831.779 billion FCFA the day before, a decrease of 99.228 billion FCFA


The capitalization of the bond market fell again by 9.427 billion, from 10300.706 billion FCFA on Friday, November 24, to 10,291.279 billion FCFA on November 27, 2023. The total value of transactions amounted to 661.966 million against 497.380 million

FCFA the day before.

Le Flop 5 des plus fortes baisses de cours est occupé par les titres BOA Burkina (moins 7,23% à 6 805 FCFA), NEI CEDA Côte d' Ivoire (moins 7,03% à 595 FCFA), Crown SIEM Côte d' Ivoire (moins 5,92% à 715 FCFA), Air Liquide Côte d' Ivoire ( minus 5.56% to 850 FCFA) and Coris Bank International Burkina Faso (minus 5.50% to 8,500 FCFA). And the top 5 of the largest price increases are occupied respectively by Uniwax Côte d'Ivoire (up 6.84% to 625 FCFA), BOA Mali (up 4.64% to 1 465 FCFA), Sicor Côte d'Ivoire (up 2.32% to 4 195 FCFA), Filtisac Côte d'Ivoire (up 6.76% to 1 815 FCFA), SODECI Côte d'Ivoire (up 2.22% to 4 600 FCFA), SODECI Côte d'Ivoire (up 2.22% to 4 600 FCFA)) and Sucrivoire Côte d'Ivoire (plus

2.00% to 510 FCFA).
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