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Transport and infrastructure sector in Africa: vectors of development and regional integration

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A sa In the past three days, the International African Transport Forum and Exhibition (FISAT) has brought together officials, experts and businesses to discuss crucial issues in the transport and infrastructure sector in Africa.

L'évènement a débuté le mercredi 23 novembre 2023 au Abidjan Exhibition Center.

Le FISAT est selon le Commissaire général Bamba Nimoutié, la tribune d' échanges par excellence pour tous transport professionals , infrastructure and logistics. It aims to According to the Commissioner, this year's innovation consists in “drawing the attention of our authorities and the general public to cleaner and more sustainable transport”. “Modernization of logistics ecosystems, transport and infrastructure: sustainability, security, digitalization and employability of young people, what challenges and opportunities for tomorrow's Africa? ” is the theme around which discussions have revolved since Wednesday. Several countries were represented, including Côte d'Ivoire, Senegal, Ghana, Nigeria, Angola, South Africa and Morocco.

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