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Combating illegal gold mining in Côte d'Ivoire: more than 807 million FCFA worth of equipment seized on 1,098 sites

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Le gouvernement ivoirien a indiqué le 30 novembre dernier qu' entre janvier et octobre 2023, plus de 807 millions FCFA de matériel ont été saisis sur 1 1,098 sites of ' é illegal gold panning à Across the coast ô of ' ivory.

The seized equipment includes 17 sensitive electronic scales, 33 vehicles, one van, 35 excavators, 220 motorcycles, 5 tricycles, 166 generators, and 2342 motor pumps. According to the Government in a press release, the enforcement operations were carried out by the Brigade for the Repression of Offences against the Mining Code (BRICM) in collaboration with the Special Group to Combat Illegal Gold Panning. ' The same source indicates that “9407.9 grams of a yellow metal. é looking like ê gold, ' 18.9 carats like stone ê Being diamonds, 346 bags of ores, 3062.63 grams of mercury [...], 35 kilograms of chlorine and various other materials related to illegal gold mining Old Style”, "serif"">” have been added eacute; to the seized material

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