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Money laundering: Giaba reinforces its commitment thanks to the annual information session and the launch of its website

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The Intergovernmental Action Group against Money Laundering in West Africa (Giaba) is determined to give new impetus to combat the phenomenon of money laundering. Thus, it launches new approaches during its annual information session held on Monday, 4 December 2023, at the King Fahd Palace hotel in Dakar


The challenge is to open up more to decision-makers in ECOWAS member states, to the Technical and Financial Partners of in order to in turn equip themselves with more resources to better raise awareness and equip actors at various levels against the harmful effects of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing. The Director General of Giaba, Edwin W. Harris Jr., recalled that the organization he heads marked another important milestone as it celebrated 22 years of dedicated service to ECOWAS. “This anniversary has given us the opportunity to reflect on the progress made, the lessons learned and the way forward. Throughout this period, we have witnessed remarkable progress made in the areas of capacity building, legal frameworks and institutional structures of member states, all of which aim to effectively combat money laundering, terrorist financing and proliferation”, he assured.

Giaba Day was also dedicated to the launch of its website ( According to Tim Melaye, Giaba's communications officer, the new site is more attractive, more dynamic, full of more information, photos, publications and easy to access. Indeed, the major improvements to the website are reflected in the possibility of researching the activities of GIABA and ECOWAS member countries in the field of money laundering and terrorist financing in three languages, including English, the Fran& Accedil; Ais and the Portuguese

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