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International Anti-Corruption Day: Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo takes stock of his actions since 30 June 2019 in the DRC

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On the sidelines of the celebration of the International Day against Corruption, the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo reviewed the work of the General Inspectorate of Finance since his appointment.

The action of the General Inspectorate of Finance has been focused on combating antivalues in the management of public affairs since its appointment as head of this service by the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). Indeed, Jules Alingete, Inspector General of Finance, declared during the celebration of the International Day against Corruption: “upon our arrival at the head of the General Inspectorate of Finance of the Democratic Republic since 30 June 2019, the General Inspectorate of Finance succeeded in the mission of combating anti-values in public management and we started from a & Eacute; the catastrophic situation of anti-values observed in public management


“In the macroeconomic evolution of the Democratic Republic of the Congo, you can see that since the Head of State began the fight against antivalues in the management of public affairs, there have been significant improvements in terms of mobilization of revenue, economic growth, foreign exchange reserves and other economic savings. Everything seems to be improving,” he said.

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