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Justice: the BCLCC arrests three alleged cyber crooks

Categories: Compliance

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Three alleged cyber crooks have been arrested by the Brigade for Combating Cybercrime (BCLCC). They are all specialized in identity theft and fraud via information and communication technology (


Deux d' entre les escrocs évoluent en binôme et present themselves as musical artists, living in Ouagadougou. Through fake Facebook profiles they offered household appliances (refrigerators, gas stoves, gas bottles, etc.) to their victims. For payment, and delivery of orders, the network of alleged cyber crooks used a modus operandi that consisted in quickly transferring the funds received to another number, once the deposit was made, thus avoiding attempts by the victim to block the transaction. The alleged third evolves solo, and proceeds like the first two.

A la fin des enquêtes, les trois présumés escrocs ont été brought before the Prosecutor of Faso at the High Court

Ouagadougou to answer for the facts they are accused of.
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