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Senegal-Moroccan decentralization conference: end of work

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The work of the Senegalo-Moroccan Decentralization Conference began on Monday, January 15, 2024 in Dakar with the participation of a strong delegation from Morocco. The general objective of the meetings, which ended on 17 January, is to revisit the history of the centuries-old relationships existing between Morocco and Senegal and their two peoples


The opening ceremony of these Senegal-Moroccan Decentralization Conference was based on the theme: “Together, local authorities chart the way for decentralized South-South cooperation marked by innovation and progress”. These Assises are jointly initiated by the AMPCC and the AMS, and which bring together a pleiad of territorial elected officials, officials, experts and territorial managers from both countries. Their general objective is to revisit the history of the centuries-old relationships existing between Morocco and Senegal and their two peoples, to share the experiences of decentralization policies in force between the two countries and to identify the opportunities for cooperation and financing of local development that are available to local authorities for

both countries.

The signing of a partnership agreement between the Association of Senegalese Mayors (AMS) and the Moroccan Association of Presidents of Communal Councils (AMPCC) was on the agenda during this meeting.

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