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Justice: Exxon Mobil is suing two sustainable investment funds

Categories: Compliance

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Exxon Mobil filed a lawsuit in federal court in Texas on Sunday. The Houston-based oil giant says that investment firms Arjuna Capital and Follow This only became Exxon shareholders “to present proposals that would reduce the company's existing business


The lawsuit against these two sustainable investment firms aims to prevent them from presenting a proposal to shareholders that would commit the oil company to further reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and target its customers' emissions. Indeed, Arjuna submitted a proposal in December asking shareholders to pass resolutions committing Exxon “to go beyond current projects, accelerating the pace of emissions cuts in the medium term.” Follow This joined this proposal the next day, Exxon said. Departing from Exxon's current policy, they advise the oil company to target the emissions of its suppliers and customers in addition to its own

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