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Cyber attack: The website of Ahmed Sékou Touré international airport hit by hackers

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Depuis la matinée du jeudi 8 février 2024, le site internet de Ahmed Sékou Touré International Airport is rendered non-functional.

The unavailability of the site is the result of the actions of a group of hackers called ''Anonymous ''who took control of the airport's internet portal sending a message about internet restrictions in the Republic of Guin& acute;.

In a message posted on the site, he is notified: “FREE THE INTERNET is a right! The people of Guinea are suffering serious violations of their fundamental rights. The press muzzled, internet access restricted and freedom of expression confiscated. Faced with these regressive practices, Anonymous has decided to take responsibility. We refuse to remain silent in the face of oppression. This is just a taste of the beginning of the beginning. The best is yet to come.

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