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Corruption and illicit enrichment: CNLCEI wants to shed light on dubious practices in the management of public affairs

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Abdoul Oceni Ossa and Steeve Nzegho Dieko, two notable figures of the Young team, were before the National Commission against Corruption and Illicit Enrichment (CNLCEI) on Friday, February 16, 2024.

The CNLCEI conducted a series of hearings last Friday as part of the fight against corruption, which is a priority for the Gabonese authorities. Indeed, the commission's investigations aim to highlight questionable practices that would have marred the management of public affairs under the former regime of Ali Bongo Ondimba, overthrown by a coup in August 2023. This is why Abdoul Oceni Ossa, son of Imam Ismaël Oceni Ossa and former president of the Higher Council of Islamic Affairs of Gabon, as well as Steeve Nzegho Dieko, former Secretary General of the Gabonese Democratic Party, were summoned and presented before the commission. These hearings are an extension of the investigations launched by the CNLCEI in order to unravel the twists and turns of corruption that marked the previous period

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