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Construction of the national data center in Brazzaville: a center for storing and processing digital data

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The African Development Bank financed the project to build the national data center in Brazzaville. The building with its futuristic architecture will soon be the nerve center for storing and processing all digital data in the Republic of Congo


The national datacenter will host the various applications developed or acquired by this Central African country, located in the heart of the Congo Basin, the second largest green lung in the world. According to Michel Ngakala, coordinator of the Central African Fiber Optic Backbone (CAB) Project, a component of Congo, “soon, Congo will be the only country in Central Africa to have its own datacenter (digital data storage center)


Ce projet d' un financement total de 66,55 millions d' euros (52,47 millions d' euros de la African Development Bank and 14.50 million euros from the Government of Congo), allowed the installation of more than 600 kilometers of optical fiber on the interconnection axes with Cameroon (341 km) and the Central African Republic (341 km) via the Congo River. Michel Ngakala believes that the “project will enshrine the country's digital sovereignty because we cannot say we are sovereign when our data, even the most sensitive, is stored outside our territory, in foreign countries”, with real risks of misuse, violation or even

massive leaks.
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