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Nestlé Côte d'Ivoire: slight decrease in net income in 2023

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The management of Nestlé Côte d'Ivoire mentioned the summary financial statements as at 31 December 2023 audited by the auditors that the company's net income after tax experienced a slight decrease in net income after taxes. Worse; decrease by 0.42% in 2023 compared to


Les états financiers de synthèse établis par Nestlé Côte d' Ivoire indicate a net result of 16.556 billion FCFA against 16.627 billion FCFA in 2022. The balance of turnover is down by 6% with an achievement of 213.957 billion FCFA compared to 227.580 billion FCFA in 2022. Company expenses during the period under review fell by 12% to 157 billion FCFA compared to 178 billion FCFA in 2022. In these expenses, material purchases are preponderant at 49 billion FCFA compared to 80 billion FCFA in 2022. They are followed by external services, which stand at 39 billion FCFA against 37 billion FCFA in 2022 and other purchases at 26 billion against 35 billion in

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