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France: Mohamed Ould Bouamatou decorated by the French ambassador in Nouakchott

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Le jeudi dernier, l' ambassadeur de France àNouakchott decorated the powerful businessman, a recognized sponsor, with the insignia of Chevalier of the Legion of Honour.

Lors d' une cérémonie tenue à la Résidence de France, Bouamatou a reçu une distinction honorific. The French President honors the brilliant professional career and the commitment of the businessman in favor of the Francophonie and the promotion and influence of French culture in Mauritania through the alliance in Nouakchott. Mohamed Ould Bouamatou is present in several economic sectors in West Africa. According to the French ambassador Alexandre Garcia, the businessman is also known for supporting numerous charities. He is said to have founded an ophthalmological hospital in Nouakchott, expanded the Cheikh Zayed maternity hospital, provided drinking water to thousands of homes, financed the construction of schools in Mauritania and elsewhere, and distributed scholarships to

children from disadvantaged backgrounds.
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