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Training of company directors in Côte d'Ivoire: registrations launched for the 4th edition

Categories: Companies

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Les inscriptions du programme de formation of company directors has been launched since last Thursday, June 6 at the premises of the National Institute of Directors of Côte d'Ivoire (INAD-CI).

The National Institute of Administrators of Côte d'Ivoire (INAD-CI) has set goals for its certification training program. The aim will be to professionalize the profession of company director by offering comprehensive and up-to-date training on new governance and social responsibility issues, and create a pool of certified company directors capable of bringing significant added value to boards of directors. Dr. Traoré Bakary, Vice President of INAD-CI, said that “The National Institute of Administrators of Côte d'Ivoire (INAD-CI) announces the opening of registrations for the 4th edition of Cas Uemoa, carried out in partnership with Insead Business School”.

For his part, Ted Azouma, Executive Director of INAD-CI, said that the program is structured around five key points including corporate governance, roles and responsibilities of corporate officers; Financial aspects, control and audit; Financial aspects, control and audit; Financial aspects, control and audit; Communication, board leadership, human capital, strategy and risk management; and Simulation of a board of directors; administration and its committees

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