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Rate: general inflation reached nearly 34% in May in Nigeria

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Dans son récent rapport sur les perspectives économiques globales, la World Bank reported that l& Overall inflation reached 33.95% in Nigeria in May 2024, while food prices jumped 40.66% compared to


General inflation is causing transport prices, rents, health care costs and drug prices to jump from month to month, while food inflation above 40% has in particular seen the price of fish and cereals explode. In its report, the World Bank questioned the strategy of the Central Bank of Nigeria, which adjusted its interest rates several times, which rose to 22.75% in February 2024 and then to 26.25% in May 2024. According to the bank, there is a “possibility that the tightening of monetary policy will not succeed in curbing inflation”, while growth is likely to stagnate in 2024-2025

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