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Regional financial market: annual exchanges between the DC/BR and the Association of Shareholders of Listed Companies

Categories: Index/Markets

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A meeting was held on Wednesday at the head office of Dc/Br in Abidjan-Plateau as part of the annual exchanges of the Central Depositary/Bank of Settlement (Dc/Br) with players in the regional financial market.

The meeting, which was led by Birahim Diouf and Jean Blin Kacou respectively managing directors of Dc/Br and the Association of Shareholders of Listed Companies (Aascot), focused on recent developments in activities, topics of common interest, opportunities and challenges of the regional financial market. The Dc/Br presented the progress of the project to digitize public offerings, which consists in setting up an automated solution hosted by the Dc/Br. This platform will allow investors to use modern digital tools to access public offerings on the primary market and facilitate the process of registering securities in the Dc/Br registers

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