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Oil: price stability

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Les Oil prices have changed little to date. Concerns about the prospects for China's economic recovery are offsetting the prospects for China's economic recovery offsetting supply concerns arising from tensions in the Middle East and Ukrainian attacks on Russian refineries


U.S. crude futures rose 11 cents, or 0.13%, to $81.74 per barrel. Brent for delivery in August rose 7 cents, or 0.08%, to $86.06 per barrel at 00:15 GMT, before the contract expires later this week. The September contract, which was more actively traded, increased by 8 cents, or 0.09%, to $85.23. Both benchmarks rose by around 3% last week, marking two consecutive weeks of gains. U.S. crude oil inventories are expected to have declined by 3 million barrels in the week ending June 21, according to polls

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