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Rate: increase in inflation in Côte d'Ivoire

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The Statistical Office published data according to which the IHPC inflation rate increased from 3.6% year-on-year in April to 4.9% year-on-year in April to 4.9% year-on-year in May.

Several categories that saw faster price growth. Food inflation increased to 8.6% over one year in the month under review, up from 5.1% in the previous month. In terms of non-food prices, the biggest contribution to the acceleration in turnover in May came from the categories of clothing, equipment and housekeeping, communications and housing and public services. In m/m terms, the CPI rose by 1.0%, up from 0.3% in April. The rate of increase in energy prices accelerated to 9.8% over one year in May from 9.3% over one year in April, and the rate of increase in prices of fresh products jumped to 10.5% over one year from 5.6%. The core inflation rate (excluding energy and fresh produce prices) increased to 3.1% year on year in May, up from 2.6% year on year in April, suggesting an increase in underlying inflationary pressures

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