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Misappropriation of funds: a security officer sentenced to 6 months in prison

Categories: Compliance

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A security guard in a building located in Almadies, embezzled more than two million CFA francs and was sentenced to 6 months in prison.

La patronne de l' accusé El Hadji Coly Camara, has brought his employee Camara to justice for the charges of breach of trust. According to the information, Tening Diouf, manager of a building located in Almadies, hired Camara to ensure the safety of the house. The gentleman is in charge of the role of broker, among other things. Thus, the accountant gave him 1,400,000 CFA francs intended for the reimbursement of a cancellation of the reservation of a customer named Théodore Kouma, a sum that he took away in the absence of his boss.

In addition to this sum, Camara collected monthly payments from some tenants without paying a cent to her boss.
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