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Metals: copper is on the verge of experiencing its biggest monthly drop since May 2023

Categories: Raw materials

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Due to uneven economic growth in China, the main consumer, and increased inventories, the price of copper in London strengthened on Friday, but is on track for its biggest monthly drop since May 2023.

Three-month copper on the London Metal Exchange was up 0.5% at $9,558.50 per metric ton, at 0216 GMT. The contract fell by 4.8% in June, and is poised for a sixth consecutive weekly loss, if the current trend continues. Copper prices fell by 14%, in part due to gloomy economic data from China and uncertainty about American interest rates. After reaching a record $11,104.50 on May 20, copper prices fell by 14%. The most traded August copper contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange rose by 0.2 percent to 78,060 yuan ($10,741.56), but was poised for its worst month since July


SHFE aluminum stabilized at 20,250 yuan per ton, nickel remained stable at 134,920 yuan, lead increased 0.6% to 19,370 yuan, while zinc increased by 0.6% to 19,370 yuan, while zinc rose 0.6% to 24,370 yuan, and tin rose 1.1% to 269,560 yuan. LME aluminum gained 0.5% to $2,504.50 per ton, nickel rose slightly by 0.7% to $17,220.00, zinc rose 0.6% to $2,947.50, lead added 0.5% to $2,189.50 per ton, and tin rose 0.6% to $32,440

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