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Regional Securities Exchange: SICOR achieves the largest increase in prices

Categories: Index/Markets

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The SICOR Côte d'Ivoire stock (Société Ivoirienne de Coco Râpé) achieved the largest price increase with 4.83%, at the end of the trading session on Thursday, June 27, 2024 at the end of the trading session on Thursday, June 27, 2024 of the Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM).

The price of this value rose from 3,000 FCFA the day before to 3,145 FCFA on June 27, 2024. The rise in the share price is purely speculative, as the company has not yet published its 2023 financial statements or even those for fiscal 2022. Sicor Côte d'Ivoire leads the Top 5 of the largest price increases followed respectively by Air Liquide Côte d'Ivoire shares (plus 4.17% at 500 FCFA), Total Senegal (plus 2.27% at 2,250 FCFA), Coris Bank International Burkina Faso (plus 1.44% at FCFA 2,250), Coris Bank International Burkina Faso (plus 1.44% to 10 600 FCFA) and Vivo Energy Côte d'Ivoire (plus 1.20% to 840 FCFA). The Flop 5 of the largest price drops is occupied by the shares BICI Côte d'Ivoire (minus 6.54% to 10,005 FCFA), SAFCA Côte d'Ivoire (minus 6.15% to 915 FCFA), Servair Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire (minus 5.44% to 2,000 FCFA), Sitab Côte d'Ivoire (minus 2.78% to 7,000 FCFA) and Compagnie Ivoirienne d'Électrice Côte d'Ivoire (minus 2.78% to 915 FCFA), Servair Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire (minus 5.44% to 2,000 FCFA), Servair Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire (minus 5.44% to 2,000 FCFA) minus 1,72% at 1,995 FCFA


The value of transactions rose to 1.032 billion FCFA against 484.796 million FCFA the day before. The capitalization of the bond market is still improving, standing at 10 563.254 billion FCFA against 10 481.578 billion FCFA on Wednesday 26 June 2024, i.e. an increase of 81.676 billion FCFA. While that of the equity market recorded a decrease of 32.284 billion FCFA, from 8,558.699 billion FCFA the day before to 8,526.415 billion FCFA

this Thursday, June 27, 2024.

The indexes fell for the second day in a row. The composite index fell by 0.38% to 229.19 points against 230.06 points the day before. Similarly, the BRVM 30 index fell by 0.21% to 114.52 points against 114.76 points previously. For its part, the BRVM Prestige index fell by 0.18% to 107.62 points against 107.81 points

the day before.
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