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Bond market: three new bonds from the State of Senegal admitted to the BRVM

Categories: Index/Markets

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On the occasion of its first listing of loans held in Abidjan at the headquarters of the Sub-Regional Institution on Wednesday June 26, 2024, the Regional Securities Exchange (BRVM) admitted three new Senegalese government securities (BRVM) to its bond market.

“State of Senegal 6.25% 2024-2029", “State of Senegal 6.45% 2024-2031" and “State of Senegal 6.65% 2024-2031" and “State of Senegal 6.65% 2024-2034" have been admitted to the BRVM bond market. Through this public offering carried out on the UEMOA Regional Financial Market, the State of Senegal was able to mobilize a total amount of more than 265 billion CFA francs in three installments with rates ranging from 6.25% to 6.65% over maturities of 05 to 10 years, with a view to financing investments planned in its 2024 budget. According to the Director General of the BRVM, these three bond loans mark the very remarkable return of the State of Senegal to the BRVM, which was named “Bond Issuer of the Year” on the occasion of the 5th edition of the BRVM Awards held in Abidjan on June 6 and

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