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Combating financial crime: proposals put forward

Categories: Compliance

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Dans le but de renforcer la lutte contre la criminalité financière, le Conseil national des greffiers des tribunaux de commerce a formulé 15 proposals.

“R strengthen economic police missions in the service of transparency, provide the LCB-FT ecosystem with tools to facilitate the missions of authorities and taxable persons and gain efficiency in maintaining the register of beneficial owners”, are the objectives of the National Council of Commercial Court Clerks. Indeed, the National Council makes 5 proposals to strengthen economic police missions in the service of transparency; It will be a question of “establishing a mechanism for reporting discrepancies to the [Trade and Companies Register (RCS)]; allow the control of the identity documents of foreign managers; verify the reality of the bank account declared by companies; verify the existence of the identity documents of foreign managers; verify the reality of the bank account declared by companies; verify the existence of the postal address declared by companies; interconnect the RCS and the national identification register of natural persons; secure the associative sector with economic activity


Five proposals were made to simplify and secure the missions of authorities and taxable persons, in particular “: secure the associative sector with an economic activity; publish in the RCS the asset freezing measures relating to companies” nbsp;; create an official register of politically exposed persons managed by the national council of clerks of commercial courts; create an official register of companies excluded from public procurement; secure universal asset transfers (TUPs) by facilitating the information of potential creditors


Le conseil a également fait cinq propositions to become more efficient in maintaining the register of beneficial owners (RBE). “Sanction companies that have not - after reminders - declared their beneficial owners; extend the automatic deregistration mechanism in force for the RCS to the RBE; allow automatic deregistration in the event of non-regularization of differences; restore the obligation to report chains of custody to the RBE; reflect on the reporting threshold in risky sectors & raquo;.

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