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BRVM: second day of general rise in key indices

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A la fin de la séance de cotation du mercredi 10 juillet 2024, les indices phares de la Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM) recorded a second day of general increase.

The BRVM Prestige index grew by 0.83% (after an increase of 0.30% the day before) to 109.92 points against 109.01 points on Wednesday, July 10. The composite index thus gained 0.38% (after an increase of 0.87% previously) to 232.60 points against 231.73 points the day before. The BRVM 30 index rose by 0.15% (after an increase of 0.91% the day before) to 116.20 points against 116.03 points previously. The value of transactions fell to 435.664 million FCFA against 558.523 million FCFA

the day before.

The capitalization of the equity market has increased from 32.076 billion to 8,653.189 billion FCFA against 8,621.113 billion FCFA on Wednesday 10 July 2024. That of the bond market fell by 444 million, standing at 10,496.941 billion FCFA against 10,497.385 billion FCFA the day before.
The Flop 5 of the largest price drops is occupied by NSIA Banque Côte d'Ivoire (minus 3.15% to 6,000 FCFA), BOA Mali (minus 1.84% to 1,600 FCFA), AGL ex Bolloré Côte d'Ivoire (minus 1.54% to 1,280 FCFA), Nestlé Côte d'Ivoire (minus 1.15% to 1,280 FCFA), and Servair Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire (minus 1.15% to 2 155 FCFA). The Top 5 of the largest price increases are occupied respectively by BICICI Côte d'Ivoire shares (plus 7.45% to 9,885 FCFA), Oragroup Togo (plus 7.34% to 1,975 FCFA), Total Senegal (plus 7.14% to 2,250 FCFA), Uniwax Côte d'Ivoire (plus 2.44% to 420 FCFA) and BOA Burkina Faso (plus 1.96% to 6,750 FCFA), Total Senegal (plus 7.14% to 2,250 FCFA), Uniwax Côte d'Ivoire (plus 2.44% to 420 FCFA) and BOA Burkina Faso (plus 1.96% to

6,750 FCFA).
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