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Stock market: regressive evolution of Top 5 stocks

Categories: Index/Markets

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The stocks in the Top 5 of the largest price increases experienced slight changes, at the end of the Friday, July 12, 2024, trading session of the Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM).

The evolution of Top 5 titles is between 4 and 0.65%. The Top 5 is occupied respectively by the titles Servair Abidjan Côte d'Ivoire (plus 3.48% at 2,230 FCFA), AGL ex Bolloré Côte d'Ivoire (plus 2.73% at 1,315 FCFA), BOA Mali (plus 1.88% at 1,630 FCFA), Total Côte d'Ivoire (plus 1.88% at 1,630 FCFA), Total Côte d'Ivoire (plus 1.18% at 2,145 FCFA) and NEI CEDA Côte d'Ivoire (plus 0.64% at 790 FCFA). The Flop 5 of the largest price drops is occupied by Bernabé Côte d'Ivoire shares (minus 5.53% at 940 FCFA), Total Senegal (minus 2.22% at 2,200 FCFA), Coris Bank International Burkina Faso (minus 1.06% at 10,290 FCFA), ONATEL Burkina Faso (minus 1.06% at 10,290 FCFA), ONATEL Burkina Faso (minus 1.04% at 2,850 FCFA) and Sucrivoire Côte d'Ivoire (minus 1.00% at FCFA 495) FA)


The capitalization of the equity market fell by 34.697 billion, from 8,653.189 billion FCFA the day before to 8,618.492 billion FCFA on Friday, July 12, 2024. That of the bond market fell by 26.257 billion, to 10 470.684 billion FCFA against 10 496.941 billion FCFA the day before. The value of transactions rose slightly, reaching 680.003 million FCFA against 435.664 million FCFA the day before


There is a general decline in indices. The composite index thus lost 0.40% to 231.66 points against 232.60 points the day before. The BRVM 30 index fell by 0.41% to 115.72 points against 116.20 points previously. And the BRVM Prestige index fell 0.25% to 109.64 points against 109.92 points

the day before.
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