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UMOA financial market: Guinea Bissau obtains 11 billion FCFA

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Guinea Bissau obtained on July 16, 2024 on the financial market of the West African Monetary Union (UMOA) an amount of 11 billion FCFA (18.700 million dollars) after a simultaneous auction of assimilable treasury bills (BAT) of maturity 182 and 364 days as well as comparable treasury bonds (OOAs) AT).

The issuer had put an amount of 10 billion CFA francs up for auction. At the end of the operation, global tenders of 17.573 billion FCFA were recorded. This gives a coverage rate of 175.73% for the amount put up for auction.

The amount of tenders selected was 11 billion CFA francs and that rejected was 6.573 billion. This corresponds to an absorption rate of 62.60%


Investors whose bids were successful will end up with a weighted average return of 9.36% for 182-day bonds, 9.89% for 364-day bonds, 9.89% for 364-day bonds, and 9.88% for bonds.

The Guinea-Bissau Public Treasury will refund vouchers issued on the first working day following the due date set on January 15, 2025 for those with a duration of 182 days and on July 16, 2025 for those with a duration of 182 days and on July 16, 2025 for those with a duration of 364 days. As for interest, they are payable in advance and deducted from the nominal value of these


As for the repayment of the principal of the bonds, it will take place on the first working day following the due date set at July 18, 2027. Interest will be paid annually based on the fixed interest rate of 6.25% from the end of the first year

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