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Financial market: France issues 2.496 billion euros from OATi and OATi

Categories: Index/Markets

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Agence France Trésor on Thursday awarded the OATi 0.10% 01 March 2028, the OAT€i 0.10% 01 March 2029, the OAT€i 0.60% 01 March 2029, the OAT€i 0.60% 25 July 2029, the OAT€i 0.60% 25 July 2029, the OAT€i 0.60% 25 July 2034 and the OAT€i 0.10% 25 July 2053.

Agence France Trésor (AFT) issued 2.496 billion euros in comparable Treasury bonds (OATs) indexed to inflation during an auction held on Thursday. The OATi are indexed to inflation in France, while the OATi are indexed to inflation in the eurozone. AFT expected to raise between 1.75 billion and 2.5 billion euros during this operation

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