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Cameroon-bitumen: the construction of the Kribi plant scheduled for the first quarter of 2025

Categories: Companies

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The company with entirely Cameroonian capital, All Bitumen Cameroun Plc announced that the construction site of a bitumen factory in the industrial-port area of Kribi is scheduled to start no later than the 1st quarter of 2025.

The CEO, Ahmadou Oumarou of All Bitumen Cameroun Plc, in charge of the project, indicated that the company intends to contract the company responsible for the construction of the factory before the end of 2024. According to him, “Italian, French ç and Turkish companies have style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, "serif">' ores et d j Already manifest leur int Summer r t. De nombreux partenaires nous ont Hey galement donn é their agreement in principle to participate in the financing of the project, in addition to the equity we have at our disposal. A financial institution is also prepared to provide all the necessary financing on its own. Style”, "serif">”. L usine de bitume de Kribi int grera une mini raffinerie p troli re de 10 è 2,000 barrels per day to supply the raw material è re. It has an estimated annual capacity of 250 000 tons per year. The project, whose cost is provisionally estimated at around 100 billion CFA francs (pending the end of the FEED studies), should generate 300 to 400 direct jobs and about 1 500 indirect jobs. It will also help reduce Cameroon's trade deficit, according to public works experts, by saving some of the 300 billion CFA francs injected each year in bitumen imports

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