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Copper: falling prices

Categories: Raw materials

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Although the market found support in better-than-expected U.S. data that boosted expectations of a September interest rate cut by the Federal Reserve, copper prices were subdued on Friday due to concerns. Studies concerning the demand of the main Chinese consumer.

Three-month copper on the London Metal Exchange was down 0.1% at $9,112 per ton, at 03:51 GMT. The most traded copper contract in September on the Shanghai Futures Exchange rose by 0.9 percent to 74,350 yuan ($10,259.13

) per ton.

SHFE aluminum increased by 0.4% to 19,265 yuan per ton, nickel increased by 0.6% to 126,640 yuan, lead fell by 0.5% to 18,775 yuan, lead fell by 0.5% to 18,775 yuan, tin rose by 0.5% to 18,775 yuan, tin rose by 0.5% to 248,600 yuan per ton, and zinc increased by 0.1% to 22,710 yuan.

LME lead increased 0.7% to $2,042 per ton, zinc increased 0.07% to $2,683, tin increased 1% to $29,700, tin increased 1% to $29,700, nickel rose 0.7% to $29,700, nickel rose 0.7% to $15,905, and aluminum increased 0.5% to $2,282.5.

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