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Pepsi Rdc: President Félix Tshisekedi inaugurates the first factory

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The inauguration, on Saturday, of the first soft drink manufacturing plant (Pepsi) in the Maluku Special Economic Zone, in the East of Kinshasa, East of Kinshasa, capital of the Democratic Republic of Congo, marks a significant step in the development of the Congolese industry, according to the Congolese Head of State.

Owned by the Varum Beverage Limited group, this factory has a daily production capacity of 1,200,000 bottles of sweetened drinks, under license and control of Pepsico New York, owner of the label.

Addressing the word of welcome to President Tshisekedi and to the other distinguished guests, the director of human resources Albert Mbala thanked the Head of State who facilitated the establishment of this factory in the DRC, creating more than 5000 direct and indirect jobs.

In his message left in the guest book, the President of the Republic expressed his satisfaction at seeing this project succeed.

“This is a significant step in the industrial development of our country; this factory perfectly illustrates the confidence that international investors now place in the future of the Democratic Republic of Congo”, wrote the Head of State.

“As President of the Republic, I am proud to welcome the arrival of Pepsi as a strategic partner in our quest for shared prosperity and strengthening our local economy”, underlined President Felix Tshisekedi, adding: “Let this factory become a real engine of growth, offering job opportunities to our citizens and contributing to the well-being of

our people.”
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