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Access to housing in West Africa: CRRH-UEMOA records a net profit up by 78% at the end of June 2024

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La Regional Mortgage Refinancing Bank of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (CRRH -net UEMOA) a enregistré à fin juin 2024, résultat of 844 million CFA francs, up by 78% compared to the same period of the previous year


The CRRH-UEMOA aims to meet the needs of banks and to support them in the development of their housing lending activities for households. As a result performance remarquable mainly of a significant growth in Net Banking Income (GNP) of 22% and rigorous management of expenses, thus confirming the financial solidity of the institution. Indeed, CRRH-UEMOA has expanded its client base by supporting non-shareholder banks in refinancing their portfolios. The positive momentum is also reflected in the record level of refinancing of mortgage portfolios. More than 35 billion CFA francs were granted to UEMOA banks during the first half of the year, allowing the financing of more than 1,800 housing units. With more than 415 billion CFA francs mobilized since its creation, CRRH-UEMOA strives to improve the living conditions of populations and to promote economic development through innovative and

diversified solutions.

It should be noted that for the seventh consecutive year, the Bloomfield rating agency confirmed the AA+ rating of CRRH-UEMOA, thus placing the institution among the best signatures of the UEMOA.

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