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Stock market: SMB Côte d'Ivoire shares perform best on the equity market

Categories: Index/Markets

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A l' issue de la séance de cotation du mardi September 3, 2024 of the Regional Stock Exchange for Securities (

BRVM ), the stock SMB (Société Multinale de Bitumes) Côte d'Ivoire performed the best on the equity market with a 7.47% increase in its price.

The price of the SMB stock rose from 13,855 FCFA the day before to 14,890 FCFA, an increase of 1,035 FCFA. This value was 13,800 FCFA between Friday 30 August 2024. Last Tuesday, SMB Côte d'Ivoire shares increased by 1,090 FCFA. The company SMB Côte d'Ivoire paid its shareholders on September 30, 2024, for the financial year 2023, a global annual dividend of 8.418 billion FCFA, corresponding to a net dividend per share of 1,080 FCFA. The value of transactions stood at 477.946 million FCFA against 316.987 million FCFA the day before. As for the capitalization of the equity market, it stood at 9,387.867 billion against 9,313.724 billion CFA francs previously. That of the bond market is stable at 10 372.417

billion CFA francs.

On the index side, the composite index rose by 0.84% to 257.93 points against 255.79 points the day before. As for the BRVM 30 index, it also rose by 0.78% to 129.36 points against 128.36 points the day before. For its part, the BRVM Prestige index grew sharply by 1.11% to 115.19 points against 113.92 points the day before


The Top 5 of the largest price increases are occupied respectively by SMB Côte d'Ivoire shares (plus 7.47% at 14,890 FCFA), BOA Senegal (plus 7.46% at 3,890 FCFA), BOA Mali (plus 7.34% at 1,900 FCFA), BOA Mali (plus 7.34% at 1,900 FCFA), Bernabé Côte d'Ivoire (plus 7.22% to 1,560 FCFA) and Sucrivoire Côte d'Ivoire (plus 7.07% to 530 FCFA


Le Flop 5 des plus fortes baisses de cours est occupé par les titres BOA Bénin (plus 46,30% à 4 175 FCFA), SAFCA Côte d' Ivoire (moins 7,25% à 895 FCFA), Uniwax Côte d' Ivoire (moins 4,76% à 400 FCFA), CFAO Côte d' Ivoire ( minus 4.48% to 640 FCFA) and Air Liquide Côte d'Ivoire

(minus 3.85% at 625 FCFA).
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