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Improving road traffic: Burkina Faso and the IDB sign agreements

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Le Burkina Faso et la Banque Islamic Development (IDB) have signed agreements on the draft law authorizing the ratification of the framework agreement and the mandate agreement. The agreements concern, among other things, the financing of the project to rehabilitate the Bobo-Banfora-border roads of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire and Banfora-Orodara; and the one authorizing the loan agreement between Burkina Faso and BOAD, for the partial financing of the project to partially finance the project to widen and modernize the RN4, including the access road to Thomas

Sankara University (UTS).

The Transitional Legislative Assembly held on Monday, September 2, considered both bills. With regard to the first bill, the minister delegated to the minister of urban planning and housing, Mikailou Sidibé, representing the government, indicated that it would be a necessity, given the age of the road. According to him, “this road was built a long time ago. There was a lot of routine maintenance and periodic maintenance. But we come to a situation where the road no longer holds up and requires rehabilitation, that is to say a reconstruction of its pavement structure, to allow it to be adapted to current traffic and meet current standards in terms of traffic flow. In addition, there is the Banfora-Orodara section which, once paved, will relieve the populations of this area. It is a reinforcement of the service level of the Bobo-Banfora road - Ivory Coast Border


For the second, the route that students take to reach Thomas Sankara University, “all exits from the city of Ouagadougou are sources of concern for the populations and this road in particular, which serves the University Thomas Sankara. We will have a shoulder strap that will relieve the students. In terms of pavement structure, we will have a road with two lanes, which will make it possible to completely widen the lane, have a sanitation system and an interchange. With the circular that is already there, this will make it possible to streamline the heavy truck traffic that crosses this part of the city of Ouagadougou


The rehabilitation of the Bobo-Banfora-border roads of the Republic of Côte d'Ivoire and Banfora-Orodara will be done thanks to financing from the Islamic Development Bank, up to 89,774,275,000 CFA francs. The partial financing of the project to widen and modernize the RN4, including the access road to Thomas Sankara University (UTS), amounts to 97,575,000 CFA francs excluding taxes, or 115,135,000,000 CFA francs including tax, or 115,135,000,000 CFA francs including taxes. It is co-financed by the Vista Bank of Burkina Faso, the State of Burkina Faso and the West African Development Bank, to the tune of 30 billion CFA francs

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