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First green and sustainable bond issue in UEMOA: early closing of “GSS BIDC-EBID 6.50% 2024 -2031"

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The Consortium composed of IMPAXIS, Principal Arranger and Leader, Coris Bourse and EDC Investment Corporation, Co-Arranger and Co-Leader respectively, announced the early closing of the bond issue called “GSS BIDC-EBID 6.50% 2024 -2031".

Le premier emprunt obligataire vert et durable en zone UEMOA is worth 70 billion FCFA. It is a pioneer innovation on the regional financial market by Public Call for Savings because it is the first issue of a “Green, Social and Sustainability” (GSS) Bond on this market. It was completed in less than 5 days of investment thanks to the enthusiasm of investors for the issuer, the ECOWAS Investment and Development Bank (BIDC) and sustainable loans. UEMOA During this operation, the resources raised will be used to exclusively finance projects that have a significant impact in the area.

UEMOA The net proceeds from this issue will be used to finance projects that comply with the AMF-UMOA's taxonomy of green and sustainable bonds in the countries of the zone.
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