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Acquisition of the Mopane oil field in Galp: ExxonMobil withdraws from the race

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Galp decided to sell its interests in Mopane, a field with high potential in the Orange Basin. Several multinationals have positioned themselves to acquire them, but ExxonMobil withdrew from

the talks.

The world-class Mopane discovery, such as the Venus fields from TotalEnergies and Shell's Graff fields, has contributed to increasing the attractiveness of Namibia's oil and gas industry in recent months. It is valued at least 10 billion barrels of oil equivalent. Since Galp announced its desire to part with this field, the Norwegian company Equinor, like the French company TotalEnergies and the Anglo-Dutch Shell, have been trying to take shares in it to consolidate their presence in Namibia. The American multinational ExxonMobil style="font-family: "Bookman Old Style”, "serif"> for its part withdrew from talks to acquire a 20% stake in the Mopane oil field.

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