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BRVM: The global capitalization exceeds 20 000 billion FCFA

Categories: Index/Markets

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The global market capitalization (shares and bonds) of the Bourse Régionale des Valeurs Mobilières (BRVM) exceeded 20,000 billion CFA francs, at the end of the trading session on Friday, September 13, 2024.

The capitalization was in fact 20,018.319 billion FCFA at the rate of 9,482.517 billion FCFA for the equity market and 10,535.801 billion FCFA for the bond market. Since June 26, 2024, this global capitalization has been in an upward dynamic since it had crossed the 19,000 CFA mark at the time. In less than three years, it increased by more than 1,000 billion CFA francs. This shows the growth potential of the fifth largest African stock exchange. At the end of the session, the value of transactions stood at 992.633 million FCFA against 7.050 billion FCFA

the day before.

All three indices ended the trading session in a mixed situation. The composite index thus increased by 0.26% to 261.24 points against 260.56 points the day before. As for the BRVM 30 index, it gained 0.34% to 131.15 points against 130.71 points the day before. On the other hand, the BRVM Prestige index fell by 1.40% to 113.24 points against 114.85 points

the day before.

The Top 5 of the largest price increases are occupied respectively by Sucrivoire Côte d'Ivoire (plus 6.60% at 565 FCFA), Filtisac Côte d'Ivoire (plus 5.30% at 1,490FCFA), BICICI Côte d'Ivoire (plus 3.35% at 10,500 FCFA), Ecobank Côte d'Ivoire (plus 2.5% at FCFA 565), Filtisac Côte d'Ivoire (plus 5.30% at 1,490FCFA) 68% at 8,240 FCFA) and Sonatel Senegal (plus 2.13% at 24,000 FCFA).

The Flop 5 of the largest price declines is occupied by Total Côte d'Ivoire (minus 7.43% to 2,490 FCFA), SAFCA Côte d'Ivoire (minus 7.37% to 880 FCFA), Oragroup Togo (minus 6.59% to 1,700 FCFA), NEI CEDA Côte d'Ivoire (minus 6.49% to 720 FCFA), SAFCA Côte d'Ivoire (minus 7.37% to 880 FCFA) FCFA) and BOA Niger (minus 5.16% to 3,400 FCFA).

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