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First bond issue: Baobab Senegal, USAID and CGF Bourse raises 20 billion FCFA

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With the collaboration of Baobab Senegal and CGF Bourse, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced the launch of the first bond issue sensitive to the preservation of the environment, the fight against poverty and inclusion


L'émission obligataire est initiée par l' USAID , through its Entrepreneurship & Investment activity, arranged by CGF Bourse and issued by Baobab Senegal. The bond of 20 billion CFA francs will allow the financing of Senegalese MSMEs in priority sectors such as agriculture, renewable energies, water, hygiene and sanitation. According to Dieynaba Thiam-Ka, USAID Entrepreneurship & Investment Project Manager, at the official launch of the bond loan, “the efforts made alongside Baobab Senegal and CGF Bourse, through this operation, will make it possible to finance 5000 Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, mostly young and medium enterprises, mostly young people and women, priority targets of the USAID and the State of Senegal to strengthen their financial inclusion and their contribution to the economy.” This innovative bond reflects the complementary objectives of these various stakeholders in terms of access for young people and women to financial products in order to boost clean, sustainable and shared growth

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