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Development of the cashew industry: Côte d'Ivoire calls on investors

Categories: Raw materials

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The cashew nut investment forum was held on Monday, September 23, 2024 in Abidjan, Kobenan. National and international investors were encouraged on occasion to invest in the cashew sector in Côte d'Ivoire


The annual production of cashew nuts in Côte d'Ivoire has increased considerably according to Kobenan Kouassi Adjoumani, Ivorian Minister of Agriculture, Rural Development and Food Productions. It went from 500,000 tons in 2013 to 1.2 million tons in 2023. According to the minister, this growth is the result of several programs and projects put in place by the government to boost the cashew industry and stimulate investments. In reality, in 2023, only 21% of Ivorian cashew nut production was processed locally, a figure far removed from the 50% processing objective set by the Ivorian State for 2030. In order to achieve the objective, the minister called for massive investments in order to increase, under competitive conditions, the national capacities for the production and processing of cashew nuts in Côte d'Ivoire

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