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110th session of the International Cocoa Council: activities in progress since yesterday

Categories: Raw materials

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This Monday, September 23, 2024, the 110th session of the International Cocoa Council opened in Abidjan, Ivory Coast. The nomination of Cameroon to the presidency of the International Cocoa Council (ICCO) will be officially confirmed during

this meeting.

A unanimous decision announced on September 20, 2024, according to which Cameroon was appointed to take the presidency of the International Cocoa Council (ICCO) for the 2024/2025 campaign. According to the latest report on the competitiveness of the Cameroonian economy published by the Competitiveness Committee, Cameroon reached a significant milestone in the cocoa sector in 2023. Indeed, the country is ranked 4th largest cocoa exporter with 7.6% of the world market shares in 2023. This ranking marks an increase of two places compared to the previous year. Also, according to the report on Cameroon's foreign trade in 2023 from the National Institute of Statistics (INS), the country exported 180,095 tons of raw beans, 55,445 tons less than in 2022, thus generating just over 359 billion FCFA. According to information, this figure represents an increase of 12.9% in export revenues year-on-year and constitutes 12% of Cameroon's total export earnings in 2023

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