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Find all the economic and financial information on our Orishas Direct application to download on Play StoreLa Police des gardes-frontières (PGF) a enregistré dans la province de Cunene cinq One thousand 640 tax evasion attempts on goods from the Republic of Namibia during the year 2024
.Tax evasion registered in 2024 is up 2,724 more than in the same previous period. In addition, there were 110 offences related to the smuggling of petroleum products, nine cases of cigarette and whiskey smuggling, three cases of arms trafficking and the same number of narcotics and one case of counterfeiting of monetary values. According to the PGF report, the PGF recorded a total of 5,766 attempts at border violations, an additional thousand 70 compared to the year 2023, which occurred at terminals 1 to 14 (Calueque sub-unit) and at terminals 16 to 33 (Okatale)
.Aussi, 360 infractions ont été enregistrés by the police at the Police Fiscale des Douanes border posts in Santa Clara, Calueque, Ruacaná, Omanhenene and Xangongo, 99 more than in 2023.
Police seized 55,003 liters of fuel, 213 vehicles, 47 motorcycles, two 40-kilo containers, and eight kilos of marijuana. Among the offenses committed, 154 involved tax offenses, 155 involved traffic offenses, 32 involved import offenses and seven involved export offenses, three involved skilled smuggling offences, three involved skilled smuggling offences, one involved smuggling offences abroad, and eight involved offences for other purposes.
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