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Foreign exchange market: the Dirham appreciated by 0.1% against the euro

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As of January 10, 2025, official reserve assets stood at 367.8 billion MAD (BMDH), down 1.4% from one week to the next and up 3.2% year-on-year, according to the same source.

Regarding the volume of Bank Al-Maghrib's interventions, it amounted to 137.3 billion MAD on a daily average during the week of 9 to 15 January 2025. This volume is divided between 7-day advances for MAD 53.4 billion, as well as pensions delivered over a longer term (MAD 49.6 billion) and guaranteed loans (MAD 34.3 billion). On the interbank market, the average daily trade volume returned to 2.4 billion dinars and the interbank rate stood at 2.5%

on average.

On the stock market, the MASI rose by 2.3% from January 9 to 15, bringing its performance since the beginning of the year to 8.8%. This weekly evolution reflects in particular the increases of 2.1% for the Banks Index, 8.1% for the Agri-Food/Production Index and

5.7% for Telecommunications.
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