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Fight against Corruption: secretaries and inspectors of the public administration of Gabon arrested

Categories: Compliance

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Dans sa communication du mardi 28 janvier 2025, le premier ministre gabonais a interpellé les secretaries and inspectors of the public administration of Gabon, on their deviant behavior. He took the opportunity to remind them of respect for the principles on which good administration is based


La communication du ministre s' inscrit dans l' objectif to restore order to an administration plagued by corruption, favouritism and non-compliance with laws, and to initiate genuine reform to restore efficiency and transparency. On the occasion, he reminded secretaries and inspectors general of respect for the principles on which good administration is based, in search of quality and excellence at work, ethics and compliance with standards


The Prime Minister has set an ultimatum by giving them 60 days to submit their monthly audit reports, which must be objective and uncompromising. According to the Head of Government, all the sanctions provided for by law against any deviant behavior that were found again would be applied

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