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Public contracts for waste treatment: Paprec obtains an agreement to settle its lawsuits

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Dans le but de settle its lawsuits concerning in particular fraud in public contracts for the treatment of waste, the Paprec group obtained an agreement with the courts on Tuesday, amende of 17.5 million euros in the end.

Le président du tribunal judiciaire de Paris, Stéphane Noël, a accepté mardi après-midi d' homologuer une convention judiciaire d' intérêt public (Cjip) signée lundi entre Paprec et le Parquet national financier (PNF), avec une fine equivalent to 0.6% of the 2023 turnover of the company, which was represented at the The audience by its secretary general. In reality, the group was suspected blanchiment of tax evasion, concealment of favoritism, active corruption of a person in charge of public service and illicit agreement, for acts that took place between 2013 and 2022 throughout France and are worth one indicted in May 2022 to Jean-Luc Petithuguenin, ex-CEO of the group, or even to Philippe Marini, former LR chairman of the Senate Finance Committee.

According to Jérôme Simon, first vice-financial prosecutor, the investigation opened in 2020 by the PNF was quickly handed over to an investigating judge “in view of the magnitude of the facts throughout the country”, being an “important group in the French economic fabric”.
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