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Money laundering: Laos and Nepal added to Gafi's grey list, Philippines removed

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Le vendredi 21 février 2025, le groupe d' action financière (Gafi) a ajouté à sa grey list of countries under increased surveillance Laos and N& eacute; pal, and removed the Philippines


The aim of the FATF meeting sessions is to rediscuss the group's control methods, the evolution of risks and threats and the follow-up to be given to assessment reports. This plenary held from 19 to 21 February allowed the addition of Laos and Nepal to the grey list, following assessment missions conducted in recent months. When the Gafi places a state under increased surveillance, it means that the country is committed to implementing an action plan aimed at rapidly resolving identified strategic deficiencies within the agreed timeframe, according to the international organization in its statement. Twenty-five countries are now on the gray list, including Algeria, Ivory Coast, Ivory Coast, Croatia and Monaco, while North Korea, Iran and Burma are on the black list


Moreover, the Philippines les have proved their worth. The Financial Action Task Force (FATF), which fights money laundering and the financing of terrorism, has removed the Philippines from its “gray list” of countries under increased surveillance. In a statement, the international organization based in Paris welcomed him in his words: “the Philippines has completed its action plan to address strategic failures”. The Philippines, which had been on the list for several years. The Group now has 25 countries on its grey list.

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