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Tax fraud and money laundering: Li Kesen gets seven years in prison

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Un communiqué du ministère de la Justice a annoncé que le Tribunal correctionnel du Pôle pénal économique et financier (PPEF), Condemned a ressortissant chinois, nommé Li Kesen, to seven years in prison for tax and capital fraud blanchiment . It was last Monday.

A team from the unit for combating transnational organized crime, under the direction of the Public Prosecutor's Office at the PPEF, conducted a search on 16 February at the home of a man named Li Kesen, located in Cocody Deux-Plateaux Vallon. This search allowed the seizure of coins composed of currencies from various countries, including FCFA, Euros, Yuans, Wons, Cedis, Cedis, Cedis, Pesos, Pesos, Pesos, dollars, dollars, Dinars, Rupees, Dirhams, of various values. Since the latter could not justify the origin of the funds and the financial investigation carefully conducted by the judicial police officers which revealed facts of tax and blanchiment capital fraud, the Court imposed a sentence of He was imprisoned for seven years and one amende of FCFA 1.909 billion. This conviction would be in accordance with the provisions of articles 171 of the Book of Fiscal Procedures, 9, 184, 184, 187, 196, 199 and 202 of Ordinance No. 2023-875 of November 23, 2023 relating to the fight against blanchiment capital and the financing of terrorism and prolif& elimination of weapons of mass destruction

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