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Find all the economic and financial information on our Orishas Direct application to download on Play StoreDans le but de sensibiliser les acteurs économiques et le grand public to the risks associated with money laundering and the financing of terrorism (LBC-FT), Bank Al-Maghrib, in collaboration with several national institutions, has published a detailed guide on these
practices.The guide was designed by Bank Al-Maghrib jointly with the National Financial Intelligence Authority, the National Commission responsible for the application of sanctions provided for in the United Nations Security Council Resolutions relating to terrorism, the proliferation of weapons and their financing, the Moroccan Capital Market Authority and the Social Insurance and Social Security Control Authority. Its vision is to raise awareness among economic actors and the general public about the risks associated with BC-FT and to present the measures put in place by Morocco to align with international standards. The document aims to help better understand the risks involved, the challenges and the mechanisms put in place to control them
.In the detailed guide, money laundering was defined as the process of concealing the criminal origin of funds in order to make them appear legitimate. This practice generally involves three steps. These include placement; stacking; and integration. Placement involves introducing funds of illicit origin into the financial system; stacking reintroduces permet de multiplier les transactions afin de masquer la source des fonds et l' intégration these funds into the economy under a
”, serif"> legal appearance.Terrorist financing for its part consists in providing funds, legal or illicit, in order to support criminal activities or terrorist organizations.
The guide also insists on the importance of the involvement of all economic and institutional actors to prevent these crimes and strengthen financial transparency.
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